Whether you want to convert body fat to lean muscles or are a skinny guy trying to bulk up, gaining muscles the right way is challenging but possible. All you need is commitment, the right attitude, a proper diet plan, and following the right muscle-building plan.
You don’t have to spend the entire day in the gym, lifting very heavy workout equipment to gain muscle. According to strength training experts, men only need to work out for 20-30 minutes a day, two or three days a week to gain muscle. What matters is your diet and how you target crucial muscle groups while training.
So do you want to gain muscles but don’t know where to start? If yes, then today you have landed in the right place. In this article, we will discuss how men can build their muscles.
1. Follow the Right Training Plan
The reason why most men don’t gain muscles is that they don’t follow the right training plan, and if they do, then they don’t perform the workout correctly. There is no shortcut when it comes to building muscles. You have to lift heavy things correctly and be consistent in your training.
Begin by setting the right weight training goal. The journey to gaining muscles is never smooth. Therefore, when setting your goals to build muscles, you need to make them realistic and achievable. For instance, if you are just starting, set simple and achievable targets, then increase your targets gradually as you gain experience. If you set very big workout goals at the beginning, the chances are that you will give up along the way.
The next important thing is choosing the right training plan. A good muscle training plan should comprise the right muscle-building exercises including deadlifts, squats, bench presses, dumbbell press pulls-ups, and chin-ups.

The training plan should incorporate full-body routines with compound exercises that work for various muscle groups at once for uniform stimulation and growth of muscles. Additionally, the training plan should also target muscle groups to boost the growth of muscles.
When choosing a training plan focus more on quality rather than quantity. Spending the entire day in the gym lifting heavy things does guarantee muscle growth. You may end up in a hospital bed because of injuring yourself.
However, if you focus on quality then you will spend little time in the gym, but the impact will be great. Another very important thing to look for in a training plan is the type of strength exercise it contains because will determine how fast you will gain muscles. Last but not least, the program should be realistic, enjoyable, and consistent.
2. Follow the Right Diet and Nutrition
Diet and nutrition are crucial for muscle growth. Without the right diet, you will not gain muscles regardless of how hard you exercise. It can lead to loss of muscle tissue. Your body needs nutrients to build and repair damaged muscles. This means that what you eat and how much you eat is crucial to building muscles.
But what diet and nutrition do you need to gain muscles? According to strength training experts and nutritionists, the diet of a man who main to gain muscles should mainly comprise protein, fruit and vegetables, whole foods, carbs, and healthy fat.
Protein is very important because it helps to build and maintain muscles. Numerous studies have shown that eating an adequate amount of protein will promote healthy muscle growth when you perform your exercises. It also helps to repair your damaged muscles. The amino acid in protein helps to repair muscle tissue after a workout, thus helping them to heal fast. Experts recommend that you eat at least 1g per 454g of body weight. This means that you should consume at least 200g of protein a day if you weigh 200 pounds. Foods that are rich in protein include eggs, fish, meat, and beans.
Fruits are vegetables are also important when building muscles. They are rich in fiber, which aids in digestion, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, all of which play a crucial part in helping you gain muscles.
Carbs are also important because they give your body the much-needed fuel to perform your workout. However, you need to limit your carb intake so that you don’t eat more than what your body burns. Healthy fats also aid in fat loss, thus allowing you to build lean muscles fast.

Five Habits to Follow When Building Muscles
1. Follow a Good Meal Plan
If you want to build lean muscles, you need to follow the right meal plan. The reason why most men fail to build muscle is that they don’t eat the right food to support their muscle-building needs. Follow a good diet plan that will ensure you get enough proteins, nutrients, and calories needed to support your muscle-building needs.
2. Monitor your Workout
Besides tracking your workout, you need to track your workout. Tracking your workout is important because it helps you know areas that you are performing well as well as areas that you need to improve to achieve your muscle growth goal. There are different ways of monitoring your workout program including writing it down in a notebook or tracking it via an app. Use monitoring techniques that work best for you.
3. Get Enough Rest
The importance of getting enough rest when building muscle cannot be overemphasized. Sleeping helps to give your body the much-needed time to repair damaged muscle tissues from strength training exercises. Remember that when you are working out, you are tearing down your muscles, not building them. Proper rest helps the muscles to repair and grow, thus leading to muscle growth.
4. Be Consistent
The secret to building muscles is being consistent in your workout. Create a good workout and diet plan and stick by them. Building muscles is not a sprint, it is a marathon meaning it takes time to achieve your desired results. Your consistency will determine whether your muscle-building plan will be successful or not.
5. Don’t Give Up
Building muscles is not an easy task. You will face many hurdles, some of which can be discouraging. Sometimes you may put all your effort then find out later then you have made little to no progress. However, that should not discourage you. Regardless of the challenges you face, don’t give up. Let each challenge that you face be a motivating factor.

Final thoughts
Building healthy muscles is a process that takes time. It requires consistency, perseverance, and a good muscle-building plan. Before you start a muscle-building journey, create a plan, and also be in the right state of mind.